The Only Packing Guide You Will Need For Your Move

8 minute read
Reading Time: 8 minutes

We are sure you want to have a move that is both successful, fast and relaxed at the same time.

Still, is it possible?

With a proper plan and organization, the answer is – absolutely yes!

And having some professional packers and movers from Chicago to help you out will just make the whole process even easier and faster.

Now, some people decide to leave everything in the hands of their professional packers and movers, including packing their inventory.

On the other hand, some people prefer to pack their inventory by themselves.

If you are one of these people, you have come to the right place.

Our best professional packers and movers are offering life saving packing tips and tricks that will help you pack like a pro.

Read our guide and you will be sitting, happy and relaxed, surrounded with successfully packed moving boxes and waiting for your motivated movers before you know it.

Woman wrapping a book in packing paper

Make A Plan

Now, the worst thing you can do is just start randomly throwing your items in moving boxes without any plan or order.

Before starting to pack, you need to take some time, a pen and a piece of paper and start writing steps you need to take for successful packing chronologically.

Why is having a plan so important?

Well, one of the reasons is definitely that it will help you stay focused and organized the whole time.

You will know exactly what your next step is and you will not be wasting time on thinking whether you have done something or not or whether you have accidentally forgotten about something.

Also, you do not want to get overwhelmed with work and then feel exhausted weeks later.

Split all the hard work into milestones and you will be feeling more relaxed while still doing everything there is to be done.

A good plan is all about accomplishing all the tasks you need to get done, but still making it easy for yourself.

After all, you deserve it!

Write A Detailed Inventory List

An inventory list is a very important part of every moving process, no matter whether you are choosing a DIY packing or hiring professional packers and movers to get it all done for you.

If you are hiring packers and movers, they will probably make their own inventory list of your possessions in order to measure the size of your inventory and give you a proper moving quote.

In this case it is also important that you make your own inventory list just to check whether they have listed everything that you have.

You cannot complain about your favorite painting being stolen if it was not recorded. It was loaded to the moving truck in the first place, right?

So, how do you make a good inventory list?

Well, you should definitely start with making three columns.

One column should be for the name of the item, second should be for description of this item (whether it has any scratches, marks etc.), and the third one should be for the pics you take of the item.

This way, you will be absolutely sure whether you have packed something or not and also whether it was already damaged before the transition or not.

It is the warmest recommendation from our motivated packers and movers to do so and enjoy your stress-free move.

Man and a woman writing something in notebook on the moving box

Beginning Of Every Packing Is Decluttering

Once you have come up with a plan, decided when you want to do which part of the work and how much time you have for all that, it is time you start decluttering your home.

After all, do you really want to take all those things you have not been using for years to your new home?

When it comes to deciding what you want to keep and what you want to get rid of, there are a few questions you can ask yourself in order to get your answer.

For example, ask yourself when was the last time you have used this particular item? Has it been more than a year since you last used it?

If the answer is ‘yes’, then you probably will not need it in the future and should get rid of it somehow.

Here are a few of the best ways to get rid of the items you do not need any more according to our professional packers and movers in Chicago:

–        Ask your friends whether they like and would like to use the item you do not need anymore and give it to them. This will help you get rid of the extra clutter and will also make your friend happy and joyful at the same time.

–        Look up for some charity organization you really like and donate the items you do not need any longer. By doing this you will make someone’s day and do a very noble deed which will make you feel better.

–        Making a garage sale will be a great opportunity to not only get rid of the things you are not using any more, but also earn some money and include your entire family in the process (by giving them the opportunity to sell their own stuff and keep the money they earn).

–        We are sure that there are some really expensive pieces in your inventory. If you are not ready to donate them or give them as a gift, you can also sell them on the Internet. There are plenty of platforms made exclusively for that.

A woman sitting on the floor and packing her suitcase

What Packing Supplies Will You Need In Order To Successfully Pack Your Inventory?

It would be impossible to pack without the right packing supplies.

And if you want to prepare your inventory for moving like your professional packers and movers, you will need to gather all the right packing supplies.

So, how do you do so?

What are the supplies you will need the most in order to successfully pack according to our experienced packers and movers?

1. Moving Boxes

The first and the most important thing on the list are definitely boxes.

The biggest mistakes people make is not taking enough boxes and not taking boxes in various sizes, but only in one size for example.

You need a lot of boxes and you need them in different sizes, since each size has its own purpose.

The good news is that you do not have to buy boxes, you can find them for free.

Visit your local bookstore, grocery store, supermarket or liquor store and ask the manager whether it would be ok to take a few boxes off their hands.

We are convinced they will be more than glad to do so.

A couple sitting and talking with cardboard boxes around them

2. Packing Tape

Packing tape will be your best friend during the moving and packing process, which means you will need a lot of it.

The tape is used for closing and sealing the boxes properly so that nothing falls out during the truck ride.

Wrap each box with the packing tape at least a few times to make sure everything stays in its place by the time for unpacking comes.

3. Packing Paper And Plastic Bubble Wrap

Packing paper and plastic bubble wrap are protective materials that will help your most fragile belongings stay safe during the transition and arrive at their destination in one piece.

Since they are so important you should make sure not to forget about getting enough of them before you start actually packing.

A woman wrapping a white bowl in plastic bubble wrap

How To Properly Pack Boxes According To Your Professional Packers And Movers

You cannot just throw all you see in front of you in the moving box and expect it to arrive at your new home undamaged.

When preparing your inventory and your boxes for loading and moving, you should stick to some rules in order to feel completely stress-free once your movers and packers load the boxes.

So, what rules are the most important for packing moving boxes?

1. Do Not Overstuff Your Boxes

According to Chicago most professional packers and movers, overstuffing your boxes is one of the biggest mistakes you could make.

First of all, if you overstuff the boxes, they will be too heavy and you will have more chances to accidentally drop them.

Also, if you overstuff them with some really heavy items, you might not even be able to lift them at all!

Not to mention that too many items in the boxes might cause them to smash each other or damage each other during the truck ride.

A couple carrying boxes down the stairs

2. Always Fill In The Gaps In Your Boxes

Another amazing advice from our packers and movers is to always try to fill in the gaps in your boxes.

This way you will drastically lower the chances of your belongings causing any damage to each other while the moving process lasts.

You can use packing paper for example – just crumple it up and put it between your precious possessions.

If you are lacking some packing paper, you can use any piece of cloth or clothing (ok, maybe not winter jackets or coats) you have in your home, including even towels for example.

They will do the job just fine!

Man and a woman packing clothes in boxes

3. Every Size Of The Boxes Has Its Purpose

As we have already mentioned previously, you should take boxes in various sizes, since you will definitely be needing all of them.

Small boxes are used for packing small and really heavy items, such as books for example. After all, imagine packing books in a large box – you would not be even able to lift it!

When packing bulky, but not as heavy items, such as pillows, blankets etc. you should use large boxes, since they have shown as the best option in experience of our best and most professional packers and movers.

If you are packing dishes or glassware and want to be extra careful, boxes with dividers will be a great choice for you.

Three boxes on a wooden desk

Label The Boxes

Although it might sound a bit boring, label the boxes you have packed and you have already done half of your unpacking!

And our motivated and professional packers and movers are offering some really fun tips and tricks for labeling.

1. Use Colors

If you want to spice things up a little bit and make them more fun, using colors will be a great thing.

If the content of the box belongs in the bedroom, you can for example write it in blue, and if it belongs in the living room you can write it in red etc.

You can also include your kids in this process, we are sure they will love it.

2. Use Numbers

Numbers are the second great option when labeling your boxes.

The technique is similar to the ones with colors – if something belongs in the kitchen, you can write number 4 on these boxes, and if it belongs in the living room you can write number 3 etc.

This way, you will be prepared to unpack efficiently, fast and stress-free.

A girl labeling moving boxes

Move With Legit Chicago Movers

Legit Chicago Movers have the best and most professional packers and movers in town.

You can visit our website in order to get your free moving quote.

If you have any further questions, you can call us and ask anything you like.

We are looking forward to providing you with the best moving experience!

Meta Description:

Read our packing guide and see which tips and tricks our most professional packers and movers are offering for a successful packing.